Tuskers getting displaced from CNP

Private elephants kept for providing jungle safari services to tourists are now on verge of displacement.  With shrinking business opportunities after the COVID-19 pandemic, the elephant owners were found to have started selling or returning the tuskers rented from India.  In two years the number of elephants has reduced to 35 from 67 in the United Elephant Ride Operation Cooperative that has been providing the riding service.  Chairperson of Regional Hotel Association Deepak Bhattarai, who was also served as the former chairperson of the cooperative, said it was difficult to keep the elephants without any business.  He further noted that the displacement of tusker was occurring with no support from government front.  Entrepreneurs said it costs more than Rs 100,000 per month to keep an elephant which normally requires over two quintals of food each day.  As informed, only three elephants among those rented from India are available at CNP. Though entrepreneurs did not provide accurate data, each elephant is said to be sold out normally at the rate ranging from Rs 8 to 120 million in Sauraha.  The sold elephants are being taken to Gujarat of India. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora has kept the elephant affairs in annex 1. It prohibits the trade and transport of endangered animals listed in annex 1.  With this legal provision, the owners here do not openly admit the trade of elephant. It has been very tough to rear elephants due to limited turn up of tourists to Sauraha, said chairperson of United Elephant Operation Cooperative Rishi Tiwari.  He further said the elephants are on verge of displacement from Chitwan district due to mounting pressure on feeding the mammoths.  The India government has allowed private sector to keep elephants but it is not permitted in Nepal, Tiwari commented, adding it has also compelled entrepreneurs to keep them away. "Elephants would not be evicted if the government provided assistance in insurance and grazing".  It was difficult to rear the elephants when the government even did not allow to cut stray grass to feed the tuskers, he complained.  Chief Conservation Officer of the Chitwan National Park, Ananath Baral said though CNP has demanded land for grazing elephants the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation has not yet made any decision to that end.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

CNP rescues six tigers this year

The Chitwan National Park (CNP) has rescued six tigers from different areas in the current fiscal year.

CNP rescues six tigers this year

The Chitwan National Park (CNP) has rescued six tigers from different areas in the current fiscal year.

CNP arrests 2 on wildlife trafficking charge

The Chitwan National Park (CNP) has arrested two persons on the charge of wildlife trafficking.

CNP arrests 2 on wildlife trafficking charge

The Chitwan National Park (CNP) has arrested two persons on the charge of wildlife trafficking.

CNP collects 259 crocodile eggs

The Chitwan National Park (CNP) has collected 259 crocodile eggs from the Rapti river banks.

CNP collects 259 crocodile eggs

The Chitwan National Park (CNP) has collected 259 crocodile eggs from the Rapti river banks.

14 rhinos die in CNP in seven months

At least 14 rhinos have died in the Chitwan National Park (CNP) and the forest area until February 9 of the current fiscal year, 2022/23, said the CNP. The FY in Nepal usually begins in mid-July.

37 rhinos die in CNP in a year

KATHMANDU, July 20: A total of 37 rhinos have died in the Chitwan National Park (CNP) and its buffer zone in the last fiscal year 2021/22. According to the CNP, two were killed due to poaching and the remaining due to natural causes.  CNP Information Officer Ganesh Prasad Timalsina said that among the two rhinos killed in poaching, the horn and hooves of one was intact while those of the next one had been taken away by poachers. According to Timalsina, 18 were male, 14 female and the gender of five could not be ascertained. Most of the rhinos died due to old age, getting stuck in swamp, tiger attacks and falling in ditches among others.  Altogether 33 rhinos had died in 2020/21 while 44 in 2019/20, according to the CNP.  Depletion of those grasslands had also contributed to the declining number of rhinos in the CNP. A total of 752 rhinos were recorded in Nepal in 2021. CNP is home to 694 of them.

Rhino found killed in CNP

CHITWAN, August 15: A rhino was found dead recently in the Chitwan National Park (CNP). Its horn was found polled.  The pachyderm of around 20-year-old was traced in morass at Batulichaur of Ghaghar under Madi Bagai sector in the CNP, said the CNP chief conservation officer Ananath Baral, adding that investigations were underway. It might have been killed at least two months ago because its horn was removed and there were like a gunshot wounds in the head, he added.  The gender identity of the dead rhino is still unknown as it had rotted. A joint patrol team of the Nepali Army and CNP employees found the rhino.  Immediately after the finding, a CNP high-level team launched investigation.  In the previous fiscal year, 2020/21, four rhinos were killed by poachers and 28 others died natural death, according to the CNP information officer Lokendra Adhikari. Five rhinos died natural death in one month alone in the current FY, 2021/22.  Despite efforts to control poaching, rhino poaching continued in the CNP.

Five rhinos killed in CNP in past one month

CHITWAN, Aug 15:  A rhino was found dead recently in the Chitwan National Park (CNP). Its horn was found polled.  The 20-year-old pachyderm was traced in morass at Batulichaur of Ghaghar under Madi Bagai sector in the CNP, said Ananath Baral,  the CNP chief conservation officer, adding that further investigations are underway. It might have been killed at least two months ago because its horn was removed and there were also gunshot wounds in the head, he added.  The gender identity of the dead rhino is still unknown as it was rotted. A joint patrol team of the Nepali Army and CNP employees found the mortal remains of the rhino.  Immediately after the finding, a CNP high-level team launched an investigation.  In the previous fiscal year, 2020/21, four rhinos were killed by poachers and 28 others died natural death, according to the CNP information officer Lokendra Adhikari. Five rhinos died natural death in one month alone in the current FY, 2021/22.  Despite efforts to control poaching, rhino poaching continued in the CNP.