Portuguese president dissolves parliament, calls for elections

Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa signed on Sunday the decree that formalizes the dissolution of the Portuguese Parliament, calling for early legislative elections for Jan. 30, 2022. According to the Portuguese Constitution, during the period in which the parliament is dissolved, the legislative power will be represented by a "Standing Commission of the Assembly of the Republic." This provisional body is composed of the president of parliament, the vice-presidents, and deputies appointed by all the parties, according to their respective parliamentary representation. This is the eighth dissolution of the Portuguese parliament since April 25, 1974, when the Portuguese Republic was instituted following the "Carnation Revolution" that implanted democracy in the country. The Portuguese president decided to dissolve the parliament after the State Budget for 2022 was rejected, in a vote held on Oct. 27, 2021.

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FNCCI president to be elected through direct elections

KATHMANDU, July 9: The president of the Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industry will now be elected through direct elections. In the previous statute, there was a provision that the senior vice-president of the FNCCI would automatically become the president.

FNCCI president to be elected through direct elections

KATHMANDU, July 9: The president of the Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industry will now be elected through direct elections. In the previous statute, there was a provision that the senior vice president of the FNCCI would automatically become the president.

Zimbabwean president-elect sworn in

HARARE, Sep 5: Zimbabwean president-elect Emmerson Mnangagwa was sworn in Monday for his second five-year term in office at a ceremony attended by regional leaders and other foreign dignitaries. This follows Mnangagwa's victory by garnering 52.6 percent of the vote in last m

Peru moving up elections amid protests

Peru’s newest president address that she will send Congress a proposal to move up elections.

Peru moving up elections amid protests

Peru’s newest president address that she will send Congress a proposal to move up elections.

Peru moving up elections amid protests

Peru’s newest president address that she will send Congress a proposal to move up elections.

I should win party presidency: NC President Deuba

Prime Minister and Nepali Congress president Sher Bahadur Deuba has said the present government would be continued until the coming national elections if he is elected the party president from its 14th general convention.

Bangladesh Cricket Board elections to be held on October 6

DHAKA, September 22: The Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) has confirmed that its board of directors' elections will be held on October 6. The announcement was made by the election commission and it came hours after BCB president Nazmul Hassan made it public knowledge that 171 councillors have registered to vote for 23 out of 25 directors in office, after three exemptions, reported ESPNcricinfo. The National Sports Council, the government's overseer of all sporting federations in the country, will be selecting the other two directors. As per ESPNcricinfo, the elections will go ahead in three categories: 71 councillors from the country's seven divisions and 64 districts will elect ten directors from among themselves. 58 councillors from the Dhaka clubs will also elect 12 directors. One director will be elected from the third category of former cricketers and national captains, various educational institutions, security forces and NSC nominated councillors. The election slated to be held on October 6 is likely to be a formality with most of the directors expected to return. "I don't have a panel this year. Anyone can contest the election. I am hopeful there'll be an election this year. If I win, I will become a director. I don't want to be the board president. I will be there for support," said Hassan. a

Venezuelan president announces cabinet changes

CARACAS, August 20: Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced several changes in his cabinet on Thursday, including the appointment of Mervin Maldonado as the new vice president for social and territorial socialism.      The announcement follows the selection of several cabinet ministers as candidates of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela for regional and municipal elections scheduled for Nov. 21, Maduro tweeted.      The president appointed Chief Admiral Remigio Ceballos Ichaso as new minister of internal relations, justice and peace, and Felix Plasencia as new foreign minister in place of Jorge Arreaza, who was appointed minister of industries and national production.      Governor of Monagas Yelitze Santaella was appointed new minister of education. In addition, Admiral William Serantes Pinto will serve as minister of ecological mining development while Margaud Godoy will replace Carolys Perez as minister of women and gender equality.

Herzog, scion of prominent Israeli family, elected president

JERUSALEM, June 3: Isaac Herzog, a veteran politician and the scion of a prominent Israeli family, was elected president Tuesday, a largely ceremonial role that is meant to serve as the nation’s moral compass and promote unity.       Herzog is set to become Israel's 11th president after securing 87 votes in a secret ballot among the 120 members of the Knesset, or parliament. He will succeed Reuven Rivlin, who leaves office next month at the end of a seven-year term.      “I intend to be the president of everyone," Herzog said after the votes were tallied. "We must defend Israel’s international status and its good reputation in the family of nations, fight antisemitism and hatred of Israel, and preserve the pillars of our democracy. ”      Herzog, 60, is a former head of Israel’s Labor Party and opposition leader who unsuccessfully ran against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the 2015 parliamentary elections.       He comes from a prominent Zionist family. His father, Chaim Herzog, was Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations before being elected president. His uncle, Abba Eban, was Israel’s first foreign minister and ambassador to the United Nations and United States. His grandfather was the country’s first chief rabbi.      Herzog defeated Miriam Peretz, 67, an educator who was seen as a down-to-earth outsider close to the country's dominant conservative and nationalist political camp. Herzog has served as head of the Jewish Agency, a nonprofit that works closely with the government to promote immigration to Israel, for the past three years since resigning from parliament. He was widely seen as the favorite because of his deep ties to the political establishment. He will hold office for a single seven-year term starting July 9.      The president is tasked with tapping a political party leader to form governing coalitions after parliamentary elections. Israel has held four national elections in the past two years amid a protracted political crisis.       Netanyahu's opponents faced a midnight deadline Wednesday to put together a new coalition government. If they fail, the country could be plunged into another election campaign.      The president also has the power to grant pardons — creating a potentially sensitive situation as Netanyahu stands trial for a series of corruption charges.“The title of ‘first citizen’ and the task of guarding the character of the state of Israel, particularly at this point in time, are heavy responsibilities,” Rivlin said in a statement congratulating his successor. “I have no doubt that you will bear them superbly.”      Peretz immigrated from Morocco as a child and has worked as a teacher, educator and lecturer on Judaism, Zionism and grief. Two of her sons died serving in the Israeli military. In 2018 she was awarded the Israel Prize, the country’s top award, for lifetime achievement. She would have been the first woman and the first settler to hold the office.  She and her family lived in one of Israel’s settlements in the Sinai Peninsula until a peace treaty was struck with Egypt in 1979 and the territory was returned. Peretz then moved to the settlement of Givat Zeev, in the occupied West Bank just north of Jerusalem. Most of the world considers Israel’s West Bank settlements illegal under international law and an obstacle to peace with the Palestinians, who seek the territory as part of a future state.