Ranveer speaks about dynamic nature

Ranveer who attended the FICCI Frames Fast Track, spoke about the rapidly changing dynamic nature.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Human love of nature can be attributed to heredity and environment

Humans have a good attitude towards nature. But is this due to a taught approach as a child, or is it something we are born with?

Human love of nature can be attributed to heredity and environment

Humans have a good attitude towards nature. But is this due to a taught approach as a child, or is it something we are born with?

Nepal Army lost 114 personnel for nature conservation till date

The Nepal Army has had to bear the loss of its personnel in various disasters including wildlife attacks at different times in the course of nature conservation.

Nepal Army lost 114 personnel for nature conservation till date

The Nepal Army has had to bear the loss of its personnel in various disasters including wildlife attacks at different times in the course of nature conservation.

Enough of treating nature like a toilet, UN Chief Guterres at COP 26

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday said the world faces a stark choice warning world leaders to stop "treating nature as a toilet".

Enough of treating nature like a toilet, UN Chief Guterres at COP 26

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday said the world faces a stark choice warning world leaders to stop "treating nature as a toilet".

The healing power of nature

t is crucial to stay connected with loved ones during times like this to keep our morale up. We must eat well and exercise to keep our minds and bodies healthy. What else can we do to keep our spirits from being dragged down? Turn to nature. As we continue on month two of the […]