Peruvian president faces investigation in corruption case

Peruvian President Pedro Castillo appeared Friday before national prosecutors to face questions as part of an investigation against him

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Police permitted to detain Sirohiya for 3 days - OnlineKhabar English News

Kailash Sirohiya, the president of Kantipur Media Group, who was arrested for investigation on the charge of obtaining dual citizenship, will be detained for 3 days.

Portugal PM resigns over corruption scandal

LISBON, Nov 8: Antonio Costa, prime minister of Portugal, resigned on Tuesday afternoon after becoming the target of an investigation into alleged government corruption. Costa submitted his resignation to President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa earlier in the day.

Police launch investigation into assaults at NRNA Central Office in Kathmandu

KATHMANDU: The police have initiated a thorough investigation into a series of violent altercations and assaults involving various factions of the Non-Resident Nepali Association (NRNA). On Tuesday, journalist Om Sharma was subjected to a physical assault at the NRNA’s central office located in Baluwatar, sparking a wave of controversy. Sharma had accompanied the president of […]

Prosecutors open sex abuse investigation against Rubiales

Aug 28: Spain prosecutors say they have opened a preliminary sex abuse investigation into Spanish football federation president Luis Rubiales. There has been widespread criticism of Rubiales, 46, after he kissed forward Jenni Hermoso on the lips following Spain's Women's World Cup final win. The Prosecutor's Office says it has started the investigation because "the sexual act was not consented". Rubiales was suspended on Saturday by world football's governing body Fifa. The previous day, Rubiales had insisted he would not resign. The Spanish government has asked for Spain's Sports Tribunal (TAD) to suspend him -...

Thorough investigation necessary

​​​​​​​On August 4, Janamat Party Vice-president Abdul Khan, along with Minister of Labour and Transport of Madhes Province Chandan Singh submitted a memorandum to Prime Minister Dahal to declare the Tarai-Madhes a drought-hit region and provide relief to the sufferers. However, experts say such a step should not be taken without thorough investigation of the water crisis.

French soccer president targeted by sexual harassment probe

Paris prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation into “sexual harassment” and “moral harassment” targeting French soccer federation president.

French soccer president targeted by sexual harassment probe

Paris prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation into “sexual harassment” and “moral harassment” targeting French soccer federation president.

Donald Trump refuses to answer questions in New York investigation

Mr Trump had sued in an effort to block the interview at the New York attorney general's office on Wednesday. State officials accuse the Trump Organization of misleading authorities about the value of its assets in order to get favourable loans and tax breaks. Mr Trump denies wrongdoing and has called the civil probe a witch hunt. An hour after he was pictured arriving at the Manhattan office where he was questioned under oath, Mr Trump released a statement in which he criticised New York Attorney General Letitia James and the broader investigation. "Years of work and tens of millions of dollars have been spent on this long simmering saga, and to no avail," he said. "I declined to answer the questions under the rights and privileges afforded to every citizen under the United States Constitution." Ms James' office confirmed that the interview took place on Wednesday and that "Mr Trump invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination". "Attorney General James will pursue the facts and the law wherever they may lead," the statement added. "Our investigation continues." His deposition comes just days after the FBI executed an unprecedented search warrant at his Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago, as part of a separate investigation that is reportedly linked to his handling of classified material. While the attorney general's investigation is a civil one, a parallel investigation is being carried out by the Manhattan District Attorney's office which could result in criminal charges. Legal analysts suggest Mr Trump may have declined to answer questions on Wednesday because his answers could have been used against him in that criminal investigation. The former president invoked the Fifth Amendment, which protects people from being compelled to be a witness against themselves in a criminal case. The questioning lasted around four hours, and included lengthy breaks, his lawyer Ronald Fischetti told US media. Mr Trump began by reading a statement into the record condemning the attorney general and her investigation and invoking his Fifth Amendment rights. He proceeded to say "same answer" to every question he was asked. Ms James' office has said that the depositions - a legal term that means testimony not given in court - were among the last remaining investigative procedures to be carried out. Once the investigation concludes, the state attorney general could decide to bring a lawsuit seeking financial penalties against Mr Trump or his company. Ms James had sought Mr Trump's deposition - and that of two of his children, Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr - for more than six months while the family resisted subpoenas through the New York court system. Lawyers for Mr Trump had also attempted to sue Ms James in a bid to prevent her from questioning the former president and his children. But in February, a New York Supreme Court judge ruled that all three must sit for depositions. Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr were questioned earlier this month. The judge said the investigation had uncovered "copious evidence of possible financial fraud" giving the attorney general a "clear right" to question under oath the former president and two of his children involved in the business. Ms James hailed the judge's decision as a victory, saying that "justice has prevailed". The investigation, which was first opened in 2019, seeks to prove that Mr Trump and the Trump Organization misrepresented the value of assets in order to obtain favourable loans and tax breaks. The alleged fraud is said to have taken place before Mr Trump took office. "The mob takes the Fifth," Donald Trump said at an Iowa campaign rally in 2016. His target? You've guessed it - Hillary Clinton. Some of her former staffers had exercised their right to silence during a congressional inquiry. The boot is now on the other foot, as they say. "I once asked," said his statement on Wednesday - published while his deposition by the New York attorney general was still ongoing - "If you're innocent why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?" "Now I know the answer to that question," he concluded, suggesting that he had been left with no choice. There are parallels here - in terms of Mr Trump's response - with the separate investigation into his handling of official documents, thought to have been the reason for the recent search of his Florida estate. While his allies have been demanding answers from officials over the unprecedented action, he could choose to provide some himself. That's because he'll have a copy of the warrant and the inventory of material removed from his property. Yet his public statements suggest he's been left in the dark, and he has repeatedly attacked the process. His supporters may believe the narrative that he is being persecuted. But - as Trump himself once did - others may see his refusal to answer questions as a sign there's substance to the case against him.

Peruvian president faces investigation in corruption case

Peruvian President Pedro Castillo appeared Friday before national prosecutors to face questions as part of an investigation against him

Former Chinese university deputy head arrested for suspected bribery

BEIJING, July 15:  The People's Procuratorate of Liaoning Province has ordered the arrest of Yu Zhigang, former vice president of China University of Political Science and Law, for suspected bribe-taking. Yu's case was transferred to procuratorial authorities for review and prosecution following the conclusion of an investigation by the National Supervisory Commission, the Supreme People's Procuratorate said in a statement on Thursday. Further handling of the case is underway. Yu has been expelled from the Communist Party of China and removed from public office over serious violations of Party discipline and laws.