Shyam Krishna Adhikari, Superintendent of Police (SP) and chief of the Banke District Police Office, informed that the police has taken under control some 520 sacks of sugar and 51 sacks of milled beans from the premises of Nandani Mill.
KATHMANDU: Police have arrested five persons in possession of drugs, including brown sugar, from Nepal-India border transit Jamunaha on Sunday. According to the District Police Office, Banke, they were arrested along with drugs, including brown sugar, while entering Nepal from India. The drugs were hidden inside a children’s toy. The arrested have been identified as […]
NEPALGUNJ: Twenty-four sacks of sugar being smuggled from India have been recovered and seized. A ward police office team recovered the 24 sacks of sugar from a passenger vehicle at BP Chowk, Nepalgunj on Friday, according to Deputy Superintendent of Police, Banke, Madhusudan Neupane. Four sacks of tobacco were also recovered along with the sugar. […]
According to Madhusudan Neupane, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Banke, their team recovered 24 bags of sugar from a public transport at BP Chowk, Nepalgunj.