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The Himalayan Times
आषाढ २०७८
Head and neck cancer: Tobacco kills
The ongoing pandemic has taken center stage of the country’s health system as in all countries, and even cancer care has taken a back seat in Nepal.
पूर्ण विवरण
सम्बन्धित सामग्री
Tusker kills man in Jhapa
Tusker kills an elderly person
Tusker kills an elderly person
Helicopter crash near Ukrainian capital Kyiv kills 17
Helicopter crash near the Ukrainian capital Kyiv kills 17; including top officials Interior Minister Denys Monastyrskyi.
Prodrug that kills cancer cells developed by researchers
A prodrug that kills cancer cells like assassins, has recently been developed by a team of researchers.
Prodrug that kills cancer cells developed by researchers
A prodrug that kills cancer cells like assassins, has recently been developed by a team of researchers.