उनीहरू अझै रने दाइलाई कराउँदै थिए। रने दाइको मुखाकृति उस्तै बिग्रेको र उदास थियो। जाँदै गर्दा जिपको झ्यालबाट मैले देखेँ, रने दाइले बाहुलाले सुटुक्क आँसु पुछेका थिए।
Dhaka (Bangladesh), March 14 — An eight-year-old child who was raped in Bangladesh has died of her injuries on Thursday, setting off fierce protests around the country.
The girl was raped while visiting her elder sister's house in the city of Magura some time between the night of 5 March and the following morning, according to a case filed by her mother.
The elder sister's 18-year-old husband, along with his parents and brother, were arrested and placed on remand.
On Thursday night, after hearing news of the child's death, an angry mob descended on the house where...
काठमाडौँ – एकीकृत समाजवादीले आन्दोलनका कार्यक्रम सार्वजनिक गरेको छ। शुक्रबार पत्रकार सम्मेलनमार्फत समाजवादीले चरणबद्ध आन्दोलनका कार्यक्रम अघि सारेको हो।