Actor Sanjay Mishra is all set to bring forth his next film titled 'Guthlee Ladoo,' which not only addresses discrimination and serious societal issues
Actor Sanjay Mishra is all set to bring forth his next film titled 'Guthlee Ladoo,' which not only addresses discrimination and serious societal issues
In 1991, Prem Prasad Sharma brought his idea into reality and started Nepal Mandala Book Shop and expanded it online as Books Mandala.
The post Books Mandala: Bringing legacy and readership together appeared first on OnlineKhabar English News.
Coffee at Anu Books, a bookshop in Satdobato, Lalitpur, organised a pride celebration called Mindfulness of the LGBTQIA+ community on Thursday.
The post Pride celebration and storytelling event held at Patan appeared first on OnlineKhabar English News.
A few books published recently in Nepali language have, of late, hit the local market. Shunya Ko Mulya (The Price of Zero), a non-fiction by Karnali- based pediatrician Navaraj KC, is one of them. It has created a real buzz among intellectuals in the capital city. Published by Sangrila Books, it narrates the heart breaking as well as encouraging tales of down-trodden Karnali people. 'This book is the bestseller from Sangrila Books now,' editor of Sangrila Books Anbika Giri said. Arko Bhor (The Next Morning), an anthology of short stories by
Anu Books turning into Cofee at Anu Books is indicative of how old businesses are getting new forms in the dynamic city of Kathmandu to revive Kathmandu's reading culture.
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Books about Everest are not a rarity.
The post 9 books about Everest that every mountain enthusiast should read appeared first on OnlineKhabar English News.
House of Books Pvt. Ltd. was established in 2020 by a group of young self-motivated individuals. House of Books devised a one stop/unique solution of a digital market that allows the customer to purchase their required books through an “Online Market”. It offers a tremendous collection of books in numerous classifications of Novel, story books, Drama, Action and journey, Romance, Self-help, Health, Guide & Travel, Children’s, Religion, Spirituality & New Age, and many more with different content across its multi-channel distribution platform.
House of Books has an expansive gathering of E-Books at reasonable value with shipping all around the world. Beside this, they have come up with a unique solution of Online Second-Hand Book Shop which creates a virtual C2C trading market of used books that helps to promote sustainability and green business with an aim to deliver high quality, low-cost books for education, enjoyment, self-development, and...
Just like films have different genres, books also have them. Different people read different books for different purposes. However, all books have one similar use- they are all used for learning. They are one of the most used source for gaining knowledge. The students like me study from books in order to learn about various […]