1,500 people’s representatives of UML join CPN (Unified Socialist)

KATHMANDU, September 28: As many as 1,505 people’s representatives of the main opposition party, CPN (UML) have joined the CPN (Unified Socialist)-led by Madhav Kumar Nepal after the split. Likewise, 921 people’s representatives of Janta Samajbadi Party (JSP) have joined Democratic Socialist Party after the split. Earlier on August 25, the CPN (UNL) split and a new party, CPN (Unified Socialist), was formed under the leadership of Madhav Kumar Nepal. On the same date, JSP also split and Mahantha Thakur formed a new party named Democratic Socialist Party. Introduction of a ‘party-split’ ordinance by the government allowed the political parties to split if only 20 percent members of its central committee or the parliamentary party members were in its favour. After authenticating the new parties, the Election Commission had given a deadline for the UML and JSP lawmakers to join new parties as per their will. (with inputs from Gorkhapatra)  

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

UML secretariat meeting to discuss contemporary politics

The CPN (UML) secretariat meeting is to be held this morning at the UML central office at Chyasal in Lalitpur.

UML wins in Nawalpur

In District Coordinating Committee Nawalparasi Bardaghat Sustapur Nawalpur CPN (UML) has won

UML wins in Birtamod

CPN (UML) has emerged victorious in Birtamod municipality chief and deputy chief

UML wins in Suryavinayak

CPN (UML) has emerged victorious in the Suryabinayak Municipality of Bhaktapur.

Chairman Oli urges UML candidate to win

CPN (UML) Chairperson KP Sharma Oli has urged the UML candidates to win the upcoming local elections

UML is crucial for development: UML Chairman Oli

Former Prime Minister and Chairman of the CPN-UML, KP Sharma Oli, has said that the CPN-UML is needed to develop the country.

UML is crucial for development: UML Chairman Oli

Former Prime Minister and Chairman of the CPN-UML, KP Sharma Oli, has said that the CPN-UML is needed to develop the country.

CPN UML Chair Oli wants disciplined, unified UML

CPN UML Chairman KP Sharma Oli has announced to make his party disciplined and unified.