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श्रावण २०७९
Ruling coalition seat sharing still not decided
The meeting held in Baluwatar on Sunday ended with homework.
पूर्ण विवरण
सम्बन्धित सामग्री
Ruling coalition issues joint statement
Ruling coalition partners reach eight-point deal
Ruling coalition partners reach eight-point deal
Ruling coalition formed for people
Ruling coalition was formed to favor of country, people, development, and prosperity.
Instructions to withdraw rebel candidacy
Ruling coalition has instructed those who have rebelled against the official candidates of parties to withdraw their candidacy within specified time period.
Ruling coalition meeting begins
The meeting of the ruling coalition will be held on Wednesday morning at the Prime Minister's residence, Baluwatar
Ruling coalition meeting begins
The meeting of the ruling coalition will be held on Wednesday morning at the Prime Minister's residence, Baluwatar
Discussion between the ruling coalition parties
Discussion between the ruling coalition parties
Darchula incident: Ruling coalition cadres burn Narendra Modi’s effigy in Kathmandu