WhatsApp history can be transferred from an iPhone to any phone with Android 12

Google recently announced that the Android 12 users can now transfer their WhatsApp chat history from an iPhone to Android.

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Android 12 First Impressions: Fresh, New and Promising

Android 12 is primarily a cosmetic upgrade when compared to iOS 14 or 15. Its look and interface are vibrant and fresh, but it will not affect how we use Android on our devices on a daily basis. In other words, everything we like and love about Android (including the app drawer and widgets) is still there; it simply looks different today. There are a few new features that many of us have been looking forward to. Let's take a peek at what's new now. Because it's a Pixel, the software upgrade was available right away when the Pixel 6 was released. It's around 1.69GB in size, which isn't excessively enormous even for a mid-range smartphone. The lock screen was the first thing that can caught our eyes after installing the upgrade. Even when you hit the unlock/power button to wake or put the device to sleep, there's a huge, bold digital clock in the top-left corner with a sophisticated animation. Notifications are now shown in a more condensed manner, similar to...