"Time is now for Sweden to join NATO": Antony Blinken

The United States has urged Turkey to approve Sweden's NATO membership.

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Ukraine war: US fully backs Sweden and Finland Nato bids, Biden says

MAY 20: Sweden and Finland have the "full, total and complete backing" of the US in their decision to apply for Nato membership, President Joe Biden says. Both countries submitted their applications to be part of the Western defence alliance this week, marking a major shift in European geopolitics. To join the alliance, the two nations need the support of all 30 Nato member states. But the move by the Nordic nations has been opposed by Turkey. Speaking alongside Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson and Finnish Prime Minister Sauli Niinisto at the White House on Thursday, Mr Biden called Sweden and Finland's applications "a watershed moment in European security". "New members joining Nato is not a threat to any nation," he said. The president added that having two new members in the "high north" would "enhance the security of our allies and deepen our security co-operation across the board". Russia has repeatedly said it sees Nato as a threat and has warned of "consequences" if the block proceeds with its expansion plans. Turkey has accused both Sweden and Finland of hosting suspected militants from the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), a group it views as a terrorist organisation. However, both Nato Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg and British Defence Minister Ben Wallace have expressed confidence that these concerns will eventually be addressed. Mr Biden's comments came as the US Senate voted to approve a new $40bn (£32bn) bill to provide military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine. It is the biggest emergency aid package so far for Ukraine. The bill - which was passed by the House of Representatives with broad bipartisan support on 10 May - was expected to be passed earlier this week, but was blocked by Kentucky Republican Rand Paul over a dispute about spending oversight. But the Republican's Senate leader Mitch McConnell dismissed these concerns and told reporters that Congress had a "moral responsibility" to support "a sovereign democracy's self-defence". "Anyone concerned about the cost of supporting a Ukrainian victory should consider the much larger cost should Ukraine lose," Mr McConnell said. Last week, Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Antony Blinken urged Congress to approve the package and warned that the US military only had enough funds to send weapons to Kyiv until 19 May. Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky praised the aid package as "a significant US contribution to the restoration of peace and security in Ukraine, Europe and the world". The package brings the total US aid delivered to Ukraine to more than $50bn, including $6bn for security assistance such as training, equipment, weapons and support. Another $8.7bn will be allocated to replenish stocks of US equipment already sent to Ukraine.

Turkey threatens to block Finland and Sweden Nato bids

MAY 17: Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the two Scandinavian nations need not send delegations to convince Turkey, a key Nato member, of their bids. He is angered by what he sees as their willingness to host Kurdish militants. Earlier, Sweden said Europe was living in a dangerous new reality, referring to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin said the move by Finland and Sweden to join the 30-member military alliance did not threaten Moscow directly - but stressed that any expansion of military infrastructure would trigger a response from the Kremlin. At a news conference on Monday, Mr Erdogan said Turkey opposed the Finnish and the Swedish bids to join Nato, describing Sweden as a "hatchery" for terrorist organisations. "Neither of these countries have a clear, open attitude towards terrorist organisation. How can we trust them?" the Turkish president said. Turkey accuses the two Nordic nations of harbouring members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), a group it views as a terrorist organisation, and followers of Fethullah Gulen, who Ankara accuses of orchestrating a 2016 coup attempt. Mr Erdogan's government has also pledged to block applications from countries that have imposed sanctions on it. In 2019, both Nordic nations slapped an arms embargo on Ankara after its incursion into Syria. Sweden has formally announced its decision to join Nato, a move that will end the Scandinavian country's centuries-long military non-alignment. "Nato will strengthen Sweden, Sweden will strengthen Nato," Ms Andersson said at a briefing in Stockholm on Monday. She said Europe was now living in a dangerous new reality, referring to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Last week, Sweden's neighbour Finland said it would seek Nato membership. Russia criticised both announcements. "We are leaving one era behind us and entering a new one," Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson told lawmakers in Stockholm on Monday. She said a formal application could be handed within several days and would be synchronised with Finland. Nato has signalled its willingness to admit the two new members. However, Ms Andersson stressed that Sweden did not want permanent Nato bases or nuclear weapons on its territory. Norway, Denmark and Iceland - all Nato members - immediately said they were ready to support Sweden and Finland by all means necessary if they came under attack. The UK, also a Nato member, has already given security guarantees to Sweden and Finland to cover the transition period. Monday's announcement by Sweden came as Nato began one of its biggest exercises in the Baltic region, involving some 15,000 troops. Named "Hedgehog", the drills in Estonia involve 10 countries, including Finland and Sweden. For Finland and Sweden to join Nato, all 30 existing members must say yes. But for now, one is saying no. President Erdogan says he won't agree to admit countries which apply sanctions on Turkey. Sweden suspended arms sales to Turkey three years ago, following Ankara's military intervention in Syria. And according to the official Turkish news agency, both Finland and Sweden have rejected dozens of requests to extradite Kurdish militants who Turkey describes as terrorists. Both countries are sending delegations to Ankara to try and solve the problem, but President Erdogan says they shouldn't bother. He seems determined to extract a price for his precious vote. On Sunday, the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, said he was confident that Finland and Sweden would both join, despite Turkish objections. The issue is likely to dominate discussions between Mr Blinken and his Turkish opposite number in Washington on Wednesday. Having encouraged the two Nordic countries to apply, Washington won't want to let them down at the 11th hour.