Coronavirus can lead to stillbirths, destroy placenta

New research suggests the coronavirus can invade and destroy the placenta and lead to stillbirths in infected women.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Coating could be a game changer to kill Coronavirus

In our centuries-old struggle against germs, we may soon have a new weapon: the first long-lasting coating that can kill bacteria and viruses in minutes and continue to kill them for months at a time.

“Symptoms show fourth wave of Coronavirus has started”

KATHMANDU: People are worried about the rising number of Coronavirus infection cases in the country.  A new variant of Covid-19 — PF1 of the highly infectious Omicron variant has also been identified in Nepal.  As a result, the risk of Coronavirus infection seems to be increasing in the country. Experts say the situation can be […]

Kavre records five Covid-19 cases

KAVRE: Coronavirus infection has been confirmed in five people in the last 24 hours in Kavre. According to the District Health Office, Dhulikhel, out of the two PCRs and 24 antigen tests conducted in Namobuddha Municipality, five people have been confirmed with Coronavirus. “It can be assumed that the wave of coronavirus pandemic has started […]

Coronavirus: Study finds this lingering symptom in one in five people

Coronavirus behaves in mysterious ways. Once affected, it is difficult to fathom when one can be completely relieved of the virus. While some people recover from it, as per the WHO estimation 10 to 20% of those affected get symptoms even weeks and months after the infection.

Coronavirus can destroy the placenta and lead to stillbirths

Feb 13: New research suggests the coronavirus can invade and destroy the placenta and lead to stillbirths in infected women.

Coronavirus can destroy the placenta and lead to stillbirths

New research suggests the coronavirus can invade and destroy the placenta and lead to stillbirths in infected women. It’s an uncommon outcome for any pregnancy but women with COVID-19 face an elevated risk. Authorities believe vaccination can help prevent these cases.

Local administration bans cross-border movement via Gaddachauki

KANCHANPUR, Jan 24: The movement of people from India through the Gaddachauki border transit point has been halted in view of the increasing infection of the Omicron variant of the Novel Coronavirus in recent days. A meeting of the District COVID Management Committee convened by the Chief District Officer Ram Prasad Pandeya on Sunday decided to prohibit the movement through the border transit point of goods and people except for the essential ones from the Indian side. This edict became effective from 12 midnight on January 23.    Those people who have to enter the district from India for very essential works have to produce the documents related to the work and the COVID vaccination card (even the card's photo in mobile is acceptable) and show it to the police.  Similarly, weddings and other cultural rituals can be carried out without exceeding the participation of 25 persons and religious rituals like puja and other programs, barring the regular rituals, have been prohibited for now. The ambulances have also been urged to install GPS systems in them. The meeting also decided to conduct public awareness programs against COVID-19, adherence to the health safety protocols and mask campaign in all the local levels of the district in coordination with the government bodies, the local governments, NGOs, social and community organizations, Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ).

Writ filed demanding postponement of NC 14th convention

KATHMANDU, Sept 3: Bagmati Province Assembly member of the Nepali Congress, Narottam Baidya, has filed a writ petition at Supreme Court, demanding the postponement of the 14th General Convention of the party considering the threat of COVID-19. "Coronavirus is spread globally because of gathering and fairs. Control and prevention of the coronavirus is the major responsibility at present. So, NC's general convention can be held after the control of the coronavirus," Baidya said. He stressed the need of saving people's lives. Baidya further argued in the writ that there would not be the issue of legitimacy if the general convention is not held right now. The hearing on the writ is scheduled for Sunday.  The ruling Nepali Congress has scheduled its general convention from November 25-29. For this, the ward level convention is beginning from Friday [today].

WHO message to youth on coronavirus: 'You are not invincible'

GENEVA, March 21: Coronavirus can sicken or kill young people as well and they must also avoid mingling and spreading it to older and more vulnerable people, the World Health Organization said on Friday.