Madhav Nepal defends Socialist Front

CPN (Unified Socialist) Chairman and former Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal has said that the Socialist Front Nepal

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

We are moving forward with the mission of socialism: Madhav Nepal

BIRATNAGAR, Sep 11: Former Prime Minister and the Chairman of CPN-Unified Socialists, Madhav Kumar Nepal, has said that they are moving forward with the mission of socialism. Addressing the message meeting held by Socialist Front on Monday, Nepal praised the current work done by

Socialist Student Front being announced today, top leaders to address

KATHMANDU, July 30: A Socialist Front of the student organization affiliated to the Socialist Front, is being formed and announced today. The Front will be announced at the Himalayan College of Engineering in Chyasal on Sunday at 12 pm. The announcement program will be addressed

Madhav Nepal defends Socialist Front

CPN (Unified Socialist) Chairman and former Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal has said that the Socialist Front Nepal

Socialist Front officially announced by National Hall

KATHMANDU, June 19: The Socialist Front has been officially announced by the National Hall on Monday. The Front was officially announced after a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed by the Prime Minister and Maoist Centre Chairman Prachanda, JSP Chairman Upendra Yadav, C

Socialist Front needed for a strong communist force, Madhav Nepal says

CPN (Unified Socialist) Chairman Madhav Kumar Nepal has said that a Socialist Front is being formed to make a strong communist force in the country.