Taplejung uplands receive snowfall

The high mountainous areas in Taplejung district have received snowfall following rain on Saturday evening. Locals reported that areas such as Paktanglung Rural Municipality-6, Lelep, Ghunsa, Phale, Olangchungola-7, Yangma and some other places received snowfall. Likewise, snowfall occurred in the higher regions, including Mamankhe of Sirijangha Rural Municipality-6, Yamfudin-

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Taplejung experiences snowfall, farmers happy over ' favour' from nature

Highlands in Taplejung received a snowfall coupled with rains on Monday and Tuesday. Ghunsa, Phale, Olangchung Gola and Yanga of Phaktanglung rural municipality witnessed the snowfall. According to Tasi Chhiring Sherpa of Ghunsa, snowfall occurred in the area last night, too.

Taplejung experiences snowfall, farmers happy over timely shower

PHUNGLING, May 3: Highlands in Taplejung received a snowfall coupled with rains on Monday and Tuesday. Ghunsa, Phale, Olangchung Gola and Yanga of Phaktanglung rural municipality witnessed the snowfall. According to Tasi Chhiring Sherpa of Ghunsa, the snowfall occurred in the area last night, too.

Taplejung experiences snowfall

The Highlands in Taplejung received snowfall coupled with rains on Monday and Tuesday.

Taplejung experiences snowfall

The Highlands in Taplejung received snowfall coupled with rains on Monday and Tuesday.

Taplejung receives off-season snowfall

The high Himalayan region of Taplejung district has received heavy snow since Friday night. The locals said that they experienced unseasonal snowfall with rains this time.

Taplejung sees off-seasonal snowfall

Taplejung district has been witnessing off-seasonal snowfall these days. With the rain and the snowfall in the high mountainous region repeating daily in the district. According to locals, heavy snowfall was recorded in the high mountainous region on Friday night.

Flights disrupted since a week in Taplejung

Due to heavy snowfall and inclement weather in Taplejung, flights at Suketar Airport have been suspended since a week.

Cardamom farmers optimistic due to rainfall

Farmers in Taplejung are happy after continuous rain and snowfall. The farmers who are most involved in cardamom cultivation are happy.

Cardamom farmers optimistic due to rainfall

Farmers in Taplejung are happy after continuous rain and snowfall. The farmers who are most involved in cardamom cultivation are happy.

Flights to Suketar Airport canceled due to snowfall

Friday's flights were canceled due to heavy snowfall at Suketar Airport, Taplejung.