KMC working to manage 22,000 stray dogs

At least once in life, people walking down the streets in Kathmandu have felt threatened by street dogs. Whether it’s a day or night, walking or riding two-wheeler, the fear of being chased or attacked by strays is a constant concern. These dogs pose risks to public safety, especially when they come in a group aggressively. Sometimes, their attacks have caused serious injuries for pedestrians, requiring hospital treatment.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Kathmandu Metropolitan City unveils list of immediate works

KATHMANDU, Sep 11: The Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) has unveiled a list of 71 works that it has to carry out immediately in the current fiscal year. Making the list public amidst a programme today, KMC Chief Administrative Officer Basanta Adhikari urged all the departmental