Child marriage, teen pregnancy exacting heavy toll on Bajura girls

Efforts to curb child marriage ineffective due to deep-rooted traditions, local officials say.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Child marriage, teen pregnancy exacting heavy toll on Bajura girls

Efforts to curb child marriage ineffective due to deep-rooted traditions, local officials say.

Child marriage cases rising in Bajura, despite efforts

Despite decades-long efforts by the government and non-governmental organisations and heavy penalties laid down in the act, incidents of child marriage are still common in Bajura district. The authorities and stakeholders have been making persistent efforts to prevent child marriage. However, child marriage not only continues in the district but has actually seen an upsurge in recent years, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Child marriage rampant in far-flung Bajura

Child marriage is rampant in Musikot Village of Swamikartik Khapar Rural Municipality, Bajura.