State of emergency in Sri Lanka as protesters tear-gassed

JULY 13: Sri Lanka's Prime Minister, Ranil Wickremesinghe, has declared a state of emergency in the country. He has been appointed acting president, according to the parliament's speaker, after President Gotabaya Rajapaksa fled the country. Police have fired tear gas in an attempt to disperse protesters outside the prime minister's office. A curfew has been imposed in Western Province, which includes the capital Colombo. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa left the country on a military jet - reportedly accompanied by his wife - days after demonstrators overran his residence. He had pledged to stand down on Wednesday amid mass protests over the island's worst economic crisis in decades. For months people have been struggling with daily power cuts and shortages of basics like fuel, food and medicines. Thousands have taken to the streets in anger in recent weeks, with many blaming the Rajapaksa family and their government for the situation.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Sri Lanka Faces Economic Strain

A multifaceted interplay of economic troubles, strategic dynamics, and regional influence is currently unfolding in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka Faces Economic Strain

A multifaceted interplay of economic troubles, strategic dynamics, and regional influence is currently unfolding in Sri Lanka.

Foreign Affairs Minister leaving for Sri Lanka on Thursday

Dr. Bimala Rai Paudyal is leaving for Sri Lanka on Thursday to participate in the 75th Independence Day program of Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka trails Australia by 102 runs

The second test between Sri Lanka and Australia was evenly poised at lunch Sunday on the third day with Sri Lanka reaching 262 for three in reply to Australia’s first-innings total of 364

Sri Lanka trails Australia by 102 runs

The second test between Sri Lanka and Australia was evenly poised at lunch Sunday on the third day with Sri Lanka reaching 262 for three in reply to Australia’s first-innings total of 364

Sri Lanka blocks social media

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