Limit Impacts Of Climate Change

Climate change has taken on formidable proportions as a global problem. There is virtually no country that has not been impacted by climate change. Anthropogenic activities are largely to blame for the ever-growing hazards associated with climate change. In fact, man has to live within the limits of the earth. When the limits are breached, many untoward phenomena may have to be faced. The effects of climate change have surfaced since the 1800s. With the Industrial Revolution, human made remarkable progress on various fronts. At the same time, various problems have also cropped up, with climate change being one of the formidable ones. Burning fossil fuels – coal, gas and oil – results in greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide and methane. Such gases trap the sun’s heat in the atmosphere, thus raising temperatures. Clearing land and forests can give rise to carbon dioxide. Likewise, landfills generate methane. Energy, industrial, transport, construction and land-use sectors are the main emitters of harmful gases. Greenhouse emissions

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Israel preparing for climate change problems

Climate Change Preparedness Directorate to promote the formulation of the national plan for climate change.

Israel preparing for climate change problems

Climate Change Preparedness Directorate to promote the formulation of the national plan for climate change.

Climate Questions: How do we know humans triggered warming?

Call it Law and Order: Climate Change. Scientists used detective work to pinpoint the prime suspect in Earth’s warming: us.

New threat: Arctic lakes are drying up

A new threat has become apparent: Arctic lakes are drying up, according to research published in the journal Nature Climate Change.

New threat: Arctic lakes are drying up

A new threat has become apparent: Arctic lakes are drying up, according to research published in the journal Nature Climate Change.

Climate Change

Since 1988 June 23rd, climate change has become a global issue. Climate change has made our earth very hot. Nowadays, some countries don’t even have winter. Climate change is not a joke. Approximately over 250,000 people die every year because of climate change.  Besides, climate change has worsened 12 diseases. Namely, Bird u, Babesiosis, Cholera, Ebola, Parasites, Lyme Disease, Plague, Red tides, Rift Valley Fever, Sleeping Sickness, Tuberculosis and Yellow fever. Likewise, climate change is the main reason for global warming. Global warming has caused drought, more deserts, changes in precipitation, worse storms and less growing land.  Many health organizations, weather organizations and scientists are joining hands to prevent climate change.  Deforestation and wildfires have made climate change even more severe. Japan, the Philippines and Germany are the most affected countries by climate change.  Note: Minimize the use of non-renewable sources of energy by replacing them with their alternatives (renewable sources of energy). Don’t pollute the environment, make the world a better place. Don’t stay passive and just wait. Whether it is big or small, your action matters! (Joochan, 10, is student at Kanjirowa National Secondary School.)

Balancing environmental conservatism and human development

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Climate Change and Land report (2019), 75% of land on earth and 66% of oceans