Onion smuggling thrives after Indian export ban

The staple has become expensive in Nepal. Due to the price differences in Nepal and India, it has become a lucrative business for smugglers, insiders say.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Know these nine interesting facts about rum

KATHMANDU, Oct 19: During the cold winter in Nepal, rum is a beautiful thing to have by your side. But how well do you know your favorite poison? Here are some facts that you can use to impress your friends and colleagues the next time you raise a glass of rum! 1.Rum is the oldest spirit in the world Rum was the first spirit that was made and drank for pleasure and not medical purposes. Rum originated in the West Indies and is first mentioned in records from Barbados in about 1650. They were called “kill-devil” or “rumbullion” and by 1667, it was simply called rum.  2. Rum used to be a legit currency of exchange  Sugar was a large and plentiful resource coming from the Caribbean and getting exported to America and Europe. However, it was expensive to move. Rum, distilled from molasses, a by-product of sugarcane, was cheaper and more convenient. Hence it became a staple export by sea. In fact, a lot of sailors were paid with rum instead of money. Pirates often attacked these ships that were laden with barrels of rum. They would then be sold for a great price.  3. Rum is good for your hair (!?) In the 1800’s, rum was used by many as a type of shampoo to clean the hair and most people believed that it actually helped make their hair thicker. A hair wash with rum also helps the hair grow faster, apparently. Even in today’s times, many beauty bloggers suggest rum as an effective hair cleanser and conditioner. 4. Rum can have a lot of alcohol in it The misconception is that since it is essentially made out of sugar, rum would be sweeter and more easily gulp-able. The highest proof rum is Sunset Very Strong Rum with 84.5% alcohol by volume content. Even in general, the average proof of rum is 40-75%.  5. And it can be very expensive too! Does proof of age define the price of the rum? What does? Is it brand name, or the region the rum comes from?  To be honest - it is a combination of all these factors, and more often than not does indicate high quality, just like in a premium whisky. The more effort, time, luxury ingredients are used, the more smooth it likely is - and expensive too. 6. The average shot of rum is only 70 calories.  Even better, it contains no fat, cholesterol or sodium. So drink up, all you health-conscious revelers!  This is perfect for today's age and generation where drinking is more common than ever, but so is fitness. 7. Rum was actually really popular during the American Prohibition  When the 18th Amendment effectively banned alcohol in 1920, Americans were left high and dry. But not without recourse. Like pirates of old, it wasn't long before rum-runners were smuggling the spirit from the Caribbean to ports in Florida and beyond. At night, Rum Rows would pop up along the Eastern Seaboard, a line of ships in international waters ready to engage in forbidden trade. 8. Rum comes in many flavors  As colorful as rum cocktails are, a lot of them don’t even need mixers. Some of the best brands in the world produce so many types of flavored rum including Apple, Strawberry, Lemon, Grapefruit, Orange and Raspberry. This is apart from the regular white, spiced and dark of course. Right from Cherry Bomb to Coffee flavoured - the new age brands are opening up to more and more infusions and they are changing the game for rum lovers.  The world of rum is ever expanding so as you sip your good old Khukri this winter, keep an eye out for the latest trends.  9. Rum is one of the most consumed spirits in the world! Owing to the large population of the countries it is produced in - think South America, The Indian subcontinent etc, Rum is actually one of the most consumed spirits in the world - after beer of course.

Afghan union urges ban on pine nut smuggling

KABUL, Oct. 6: Afghanistan Pine Nuts Union on Wednesday called on the newly established Taliban administration to ban the smuggling of dried fruits including pine nuts out of the central Asian country. The union said in a statement that a pause in the economic cycle of the country has led to the unemployment of thousands of people, which in part resulted in the smuggling of agricultural products including pine nuts out of the country. "Afghanistan Pine Nuts Union, according to its strategic plan, wants to export the pine nuts to the world markets like before," the statement said, asking the Taliban administration for a ban on the smuggling. The union also asked for re-opening the financial link between Afghanistan and the rest of the world and resuming the air corridor to facilitate the export of pine nuts to China and European countries. In 2019, Afghanistan formally launched the pine nut export via an air corridor to a number of countries, including China. Pine nut trees grow in eight eastern provinces of Afghanistan, including Khost, Paktia, Paktika, Kapisa, Kunar, Nangarhar, Nuristan and Laghman, according to the pine nuts union. According to it, there are 40 registered small and medium-sized pine nut trading companies in the mountainous country, with more than 50,000 local farmers, mostly women, involved in growing and harvesting the profitable seeds from nearby forests and hilltops.