Human Rights Watch expresses concern over stalled transitional justice process in Nepal

KATHMANDU, Jan 13: Human Rights Watch (HRW) has expressed concern over the failure of Nepal to conclude the transitional justice process. This comes in the wake of US Ambassador to Nepal Dean R Thompson saying that the international community is keenly interested to see Nepal’s transitional justice process moving forward to address the concerns of the victims.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

UN welcomes adoption of new transitional justice legislation in Nepal

The United Nations has welcomed the adoption of the new transitional justice law in Nepal. The UN has stated that the adoption of new transitional justice legislation in Nepal marks an important step in the nation’s long journey towards accountability and reconciliation.

Rights groups urge Nepal to revise transitional justice law for accountability

KATHMANDU, March 6: Human Rights Watch and Advocacy Forum-Nepal have called for significant amendments to Nepal's proposed transitional justice law.

Rights groups urge Nepal to revise transitional justice law for accountability

KATHMANDU, March 6: Human Rights Watch and Advocacy Forum-Nepal have called for significant amendments to Nepal's proposed transitional justice law.

Eight communist parties oppose activities against comprehensive peace agreement

KATHMANDU, March 7: Eight communist parties have announced their opposition to any actions that undermine the comprehensive peace agreement in Nepal. The parties also addressed concerns regarding transitional justice and emphasized that these issues fall under the jurisdiction o

HURPES calls attention to take transitional justice to logical end

KATHMANDU, August 24: A delegation of the Human Rights and Peace Society (HURPES) called on Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Gyanendra Bahadur Karki today. On the occasion, the HURPES deputation drew the attention of the government towards contemporary issues as transitional justice, human rights and peace.  In the meeting held at the Ministry, HURPES urged the government to take the transitional justice to a logical conclusion and to promptly amend the 'Act Related to the Truth and Reconcilaition Commission and the Commission of Inquiry on Enforced Disappeared Persons' in line with the Supreme Court's verdict concerning the same and as per the spirit of international human rights and humanitarian laws.   Govt urged to ratify Rome Statute  Similarly, the delegation called on the government to promptly make and reform laws in accord with international human rights conventions to which Nepal is a state party, and also to ratify the Rome Statute, HURPES general secretary Ram Krishna Baral said.  The delegation comprised of HURPES president Govinda Khanal, advisor Homkanta Chaulagain, general secrtary Baral, central member Krishna Narayan Shrestha, among the officials.