Taliban announces ‘amnesty,’ urges women to join government

The Taliban declared an “amnesty” across Afghanistan and urged women to join its government Tuesday, trying to calm nerves across a tense capital city that only the day before saw chaos at its airport as people tried to flee their rule.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Taliban forbids women from taking part in Eid celebrations

Taliban has prohibited women from attending Eid celebrations in two provinces of Afghanistan.

Taliban forbids women from taking part in Eid celebrations

Taliban has prohibited women from attending Eid celebrations in two provinces of Afghanistan.

Taliban forbids women from taking part in Eid celebrations

Taliban has prohibited women from attending Eid celebrations in two provinces of Afghanistan.

Afghan women determined, frustrated after Taliban NGO ban

Taliban authorities announced the exclusion of women from NGOs, allegedly because they weren’t wearing the headscarf, or hijab, correctly.

Systematic exclusion of Afghan women under Taliban

Afghani women and girls are being systematically excluded from virtually all aspects of life under the Taliban

Afghanistan’s Taliban order women to cover up

Afghanistan’s Taliban rulers on Saturday ordered all Afghan women to wear head-to-toe clothing in public — a sharp, hard-line pivot.

Taliban order women to wear burqa in public

Afghanistan’s Taliban leadership ordered all Afghan women to wear the all-covering burqa in public, the ministry of vice and virtue said Saturday.

Afghan women in Kabul rise against Taliban

Afghan women in Kabul took to the streets on Tuesday against a slew of restrictions including those enforcing wearing of hijab in public by the Taliban.

Afghan women in Kabul rise against Taliban

Afghan women in Kabul took to the streets on Tuesday against a slew of restrictions including those enforcing wearing of hijab in public by the Taliban.

Taliban bans women from sports activities

A number of sports club owners in Kabul said that the Taliban has banned athletic sports for women.