Booster dose of Vero Cell vaccine from today

KATHMANDU, May 16: The government has started providing the second dose of Vero Cell vaccine against Covid-19 in Kathmandu from today. The District Office, Kathmandu earlier issued a public notice, urging the people belonging to 18-59 age group who had got the first-dose shots to get the second one.  The vaccine is available at all 11 municipalities in the district till May 28 and the beneficiaries of the first-dose could visit nearby vaccination centers for the booster dose, said Office Public Health Administrator Buddhi Bahadur Khadka.  Those who were vaccinated within April 7-10 could get inoculated today while those who were administered the vaccine within April 11-12 could get their second dose on May 17. Similarly, May 18 is slated for those who received the vaccine within April 13 to 15 and those who got inoculated on within April 16 to 17 could get vaccinated on May 19.  Likewise, May 20 is slated for those receiving vaccine within April 18 to 19 while May 21 for those getting vaccinated within April 20-23. Those receiving vaccine within April 24-25 can get their booster dose on May 22. May 23 is slated for those vaccinated on April 26.  May 24 is scheduled to give second dose to those getting their first one on April 27 and May 25 is for those getting their first dose on April 28.  The first dose of the China-manufactured Vero Cell was administered within April 7-28. 

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Mix-and-match Approach To Vaccination

Booster programmes have been initiated, or are underway, across the world. In Nepal too, the programme has been going on for the last few weeks. Frontliners, those above sixty and those with a compromised immune system, are receiving booster shots now. It was believed until a few months ago that a person should receive vaccine doses – first, second and booster doses – of the same type. However, for reasons like supply constraints, a mix-and-match approach has been adopted. As per WHO and other guidelines, the government has announced the Covishield vaccine as the common booster jab for those who have received any vaccine, whether Covishield, Vero Cell, Johnson and Johnson or Pfizer.

Booster shots to senior citizens start

The government has started to administer booster shot of COVID-19 to senior citizens above 60 years of age. According to the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP), those who have completed six months after receiving both doses of vaccines will be provided with booster dose. The MoHP has decided to provide the AstraZeneca vaccine as a second dose and booster due to shortages of the Vero Cell vaccine.

Booster dose of Vero Cell to be administered in Lalitpur from Friday

LALITPUR, July 7: The booster dose of China-manufactured the anti-COVID-19 vaccine, Vero Cell, is being administered in Lalitpur district on coming Friday and Saturday. The people from 60-64 age groups who have received the first dose of the vaccine (Vero Cell) are eligible to get the final shot, the District Public Health Office, Lalitpur said. Office chief Dr Khageshwor Gelal said those already receiving the first dose and waiting for the final shot are requested to visit the accessible vaccination centres on July 9 and 10 with the vaccine card and a biometric identity card. The vaccine was procured from the northern neighbour.  Meantime, the Godavari municipality has scheduled the vaccination programme at all its 14 wards on Friday. The vaccine will be available at all health posts in the wards, Kitini of Taukhel and Saraswoti Secondary School, Anandawan Hospital and the Ward-11 office as well, it is said.

Booster dose of Vero Cell to be administered in Lalitpur from Friday

The booster dose of China-manufactured the anti-COVID-19 vaccine, Vero Cell, is being administered in Lalitpur district on coming Friday and Saturday.

Booster dose of Vero Cell vaccine from today

The vaccine is available at all 11 municipalities in the district till May 28 and the beneficiaries of the first-dose could visit nearby vaccination centers for the booster dose, said Office Public Health Administrator Buddhi Bahadur Khadka.