US, Germany to supply Ukraine with fighting vehicles

Amid reports of Russian President Vladimir Putin dispatching one of his country's most modern warships on a long voyage.

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Germany announces aid package worth 400 million Euros for Ukraine

Amid escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine, German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius announced that Germany will allocate

Germany announces aid package worth 400 million Euros for Ukraine

Amid escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine, German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius announced that Germany will allocate

U.S., Germany to send Ukraine fighting vehicles

WASHINGTON, Jan. 6: The United States and Germany will send Ukraine armored fighting vehicles built respectively by the two countries to bolster Kiev in its ongoing conflict with Russia, the White House said Thursday. The announcement was made in a statement about a telephone co

G7 foreign ministers meet to discuss Ukraine war

Top diplomats from the Group of Seven wealthy nations are gathering in northern Germany to discuss the war in Ukraine

Germany confirms weaponry supply for Ukraine

Germany’s defense minister confirmed Friday that her country will supply Ukraine with seven powerful self-propelled howitzers to help defend itself against Russia.

Germany to enable delivery of guns to Ukraine

Germany’s defense minister says her country will enable the delivery of self-propelled armored anti-aircraft guns to Ukraine.

New German rail link delivers aid to Ukraine

Germany says it has sent about 10,000 metric tons of essential aid to Ukraine

10 Nepalese from Ukraine return to Nepal

Nepalese who fled from Ukraine into Germany and were imprisoned have now come back home on the initiative of the Nepalese Embassy.

10 Nepalese from Ukraine return to Nepal

Nepalese who fled from Ukraine into Germany and were imprisoned have now come back home on the initiative of the Nepalese Embassy.

Biden threatens: No gas pipeline if Russia invades Ukraine

President Joe Biden met with Germany’s new leader Monday and vowed the crucial Nord Stream 2 Russia-to-Germany gas pipeline will be blocked if Russia further invades Ukraine.